15 MIN KNEE FRIENDLY BOOTY + Weight / No Squats, Deadlift + Glute Bridge Focus, Gym Style

15 MIN KNEE FRIENDLY BOOTY + Weight / No Squats, Deadlift + Glute Bridge Focus, Gym Style

15 MIN KNEE FRIENDLY BOOTY + Weight / No Squats, Deadlift + Glute Bridge Focus, Gym Style

Using a 18kg / 40 lbs dumbbell. Please choose a weight that feels good for you! 

You could also use a barbell with a cushion for the Glute Bridges. 


Your home-made alternatives: 

1. Take a bag and fill it with dense + heavy food in your kitchen. For example: packs of flour, rice, oats, etc. 

2. A chair instead of the bench 

3. Books instead of weight plates (underneath the feet)



- 20 MIN BOOTY WORKOUT - weight & booty band

- 20 MIN BOOTY + THIGHS - with weight

- 15 MIN BOOTY - weight, booty band 

- 10 MIN BUBBLE BUTT - Glute Bridge Burnout 



 using a 18kg / 40 lbs dumbbell. Please choose a weight that feels good for you! 

You could also use a barbell with a cushion for the Glute Bridges.