Zucchini Spaghetti in a 2 Michelin star Restaurant in Nerano (Naples) with the Mellino Family

x 4 pax

Zucchine/Zucchini 8-10
Olio di arachidi/Arachis oil 50%
Olio EVO/EVO oil 50%.
Linguine o Spaghetti 320 g
Sale q.b.
Burro/Butter 160 g
Pepe nero/Balck pepper q.b./to taste
Basilico/Basil 8 foglie/leaves
Provolone del Monaco o Parmigiano Reggiano 60-80 g
Fiuori di zucca/Zucchini flowers 8 fiori
Sale/Salt q.b./to taste

Zucchini Spaghetti in a 2 Michelin star Restaurant in Nerano (Naples) with the Mellino Family