Cooking vlog of a Japanese housewife. Delicious recipes to eat up Chinese cabbage.

#japanvlog #japanesecuisine #nushikitchen

#37 冬に嬉しい2日間の白菜レシピ | 温かい食卓と夫婦の会話 | 鏡開きと揚げ餅, 素敵な漬物石 [Cooking vlog of a Japanese housewife in winter]

[Chinese cabbage potage]

3 pieces Chinese cabbage

1 green onion

200ml water

300ml milk

2 pieces solid bouillon


[Chinese cabbage sandwich]

2 pieces Chinese cabbage

2 eggs

3 tbsp mayonnaise

1 tsp mustard

A little salt and pepper

Appropriate amount roast ham

Appropriate amount sliced cheese


[Plain bread]

380g strong flour

8g dry yeast

20g sugar

7g salt

15g skim milk

300g water

40g butter

A little beaten egg


*Bake in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 25 minutes.


[Chinese cabbage and meatball soup]

6 pieces Chinese cabbage (large leaves)

1/2 onion

200g minced meat

1 piece ginger

A little salt and pepper

A little nutmeg

1L water

30ml soy sauce


[Chinese cabbage Okonomiyaki]

About 4 pieces Chinese cabbage

150g rice flour

3 tbsp potato starch

2 eggs

150ml water

60g Benishoga (Japanese pickled ginger)

5g dried shrimp

20g Tenkasu (Tempura bits)

100g pork belly


[Pickled Chinese cabbage]

1 and 1/2 Chinese cabbage 

About 3% of the weight of Chinese cabbage coarse salt

2 red chili peppers

2 pieces 30cm kelp

2 yuzu peels


[Steamed pork and Chinese cabbage with miso and salt koji]

About 8 pieces Chinese cabbage

200g pork belly

2 potatoes

2 tbsp miso

2 tbsp salt koji

1 tbsp Sake


[Chinese cabbage salad]

Appropriate amount Chinese cabbage (soft inner leaves)

1 can sea chicken

Appropriate amount mixed beans



1 and 1/2 tbsp sugar

1/2 tsp salt

2 and 1/2 tbsp Vinegar

2 tbsp soy sauce

1/2 tbsp sesame oil

A little ground sesame


#japanvlog #japanesecuisine #nushikitchen