Why does Yangtze dry up? The Power Crisis continues and Extremely high temperatures grip half of China

On Aug 21st and amid a record heat wave, the China Meteorological Administration issued its first national drought alert of the year. It is the first such notice in nine years. The drought alert covers mainly the southern part of China, where moderate to severe meteorological drought exists, with extreme drought in certain parts.

Why does Yangtze dry up? The Power Crisis continues & Extremely high temperatures grip half of China

On Aug 21st and amid a record heat wave, the China Meteorological Administration issued its first national drought alert of the year. It is the first such notice in nine years. The drought alert covers mainly the southern part of China, where moderate to severe meteorological drought exists, with extreme drought in certain parts.

 There have indeed been high temperatures and very little rainfall this year, but they are likely not the reason why the Yangtze is close to breaking its flow. There have been many droughts in the 2,000 years of written Chinese history, and the Yangtze River has never been like this.


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