The First Photographs Ever Taken in Rome, Italy (1841-1871) Gioacchino Altobelli & The Old World
Relations are rocky between President George W. Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin, but their meeting began Sunday with handshakes and smiles, and flowers and kisses from Putin for first lady Laura Bush and Bush's mother. Bush waited at his family'...
天高任鸟飞; 花香日渐暖; 林中高唱歌; 润物细无声。 Sky is high and the bird is flying, Scent of flowers is getting warmer, Birds sing high in the forest, All things moisten, quiet and peaceful.
In this new video from 40 Historical Files channel we will show you 100 OLD PHOTOS you won't want to miss 📸
高山流水遇知音 High mountains and flowing water meet bosom friends
与光阴把盏; 与岁月言欢; 万般情事; 诸多悲喜。 不过是生命湍急中一渺小沙砾, 眼中有明媚;心中有闲田。 度 一切苦厄。 Hold a candle with time, rejoice with the years, All kinds of things, many joys and sorrows. It's just a tiny piece of sand in the rush of l...
Coffee in Paris - French music to chill to a French playlist that makes you French vibes !
此片画面及其漂亮,颜色光线温润柔美,每一帧都是一副风景画。 The picture of this film is very beautiful, the color and light are warm and soft, and each frame is such as the landscape painting.
雨后~让我想起古人露水烹茶,不知道是真否 After the rain~ It reminds me of the ancients making tea with dew, Is it amazing~~
南翔古鎮尋幽探訪,沿途好風光。 Nanxiang ancient town to seek seclusion and visit, beautiful scenery along the way.
周杰倫【最偉大的作品】 曲: 周杰倫 詞: 黃俊郎/謝迪 導演: 周杰倫 #周杰倫 #jaychou #paris #最偉大的作品
還在流浪 Still Wandering 詞: 方文山 曲: 周杰倫 導演: 周杰倫 #jaychou #周杰倫 #還在流浪 #方文山
Chen Xin "Undefined Island" Liang Project
凉爽的夏天,夏日安好! Have a pleasantly cool summer, safe and well.