Tag: racism
Where does the Asian population live in the USA?
Let's take a look at the Asian population of the United States. This video is about the Asian states in America. All Asian Races, not just Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Filipino. Normally I don’t do anything related to race on this channel because I am...
Frida Kahlo's 'The Two Fridas": Great Art Explained
"Thoroughly researched and cleverly presented, with stunning visuals, Great Art Explained makes you realise that familiarity with a work of art sometimes makes us indifferent to its power" - Forbes Magazine, 9 July 2020 I started "Great Art Explained" du...
20 years since 9/11: How President Bush was told of the attack in a Florida school
The Chief of Staff to then President George W Bush speaks to Sky News on his thoughts ahead of 9/11 on those moments where he whispered the news of the second plane hitting the tower inside the classroom in a Florida school. He told Sky's Greg Milam that...