Tag: russia vladimir putin ukraine nuclear
Russia threatens nuclear action on Ukraine and its allies | Sergei Markov
"Putin will be able to use nuclear weapons against you, against Great Britain." The British are 'misinformed' when it comes to the Russian war on Ukraine, says Sergei Markov, former spokesperson to Vladimir Putin.
21 Sep, 04:11 PM
How can the West show Putin he cannot win? | John Herbst
"Putin still thinks he can win with his military. As long as the West provides at least the amount of aid to Ukraine provided today, Moscow will fail." The war in Ukraine will end when Putin realizes he cannot win, says former US Ambassador to Ukraine Joh...
2 Sep, 02:04 PM
How can the West show Putin he cannot win? | former US Ambassador to Ukraine John Herbst.
"Putin still thinks he can win with his military. As long as the West provides at least the amount of aid to Ukraine provided today, Moscow will fail." The war in Ukraine will end when Putin realises he cannot win, says former US Ambassador to Ukraine Joh...
2 Sep, 01:38 PM