#RinaSawayama did a little practicing for her round of #SongAssociation, and it's safe to say she smashed her episode with #ELLE. Talking about her song #TokyoLoveHotel, her collaboration on #BegForYou with #CharliXCX, and singing artists like #LadyGaga and #DuaLipa- watch Rina put the #Cherry on top of our Song Association chart.
Rina Sawayama Sings "Tokyo Love Hotel," Charli XCX, and Lady Gaga in a Game of Song Association | ELLE
#RinaSawayama did a little practicing for her round of #SongAssociation, and it's safe to say she smashed her episode with #ELLE. Talking about her song #TokyoLoveHotel, her collaboration on #BegForYou with #CharliXCX, and singing artists like #LadyGaga and #DuaLipa- watch Rina put the #Cherry on top of our Song Association chart.
Follow Rina on IG: https://www.instagram.com/accounts/login/?next=/rinasonline/
Stream Rina's NEW Single 'This Hell' HERE: https://rinasawayama.ffm.to/holdthegirl
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