Laetitia Casta en pleine préparation pour le défilé Dior à la Fashion Week de Paris | Vogue France
#VogueFrance #GRW #LaetitiaCasta
A few hours before the Dior Haute Couture show, a highlight of the couture Spring/Summer 2024 Fashion Week, Vogue France caught up with Laetitia Casta in her Paris hotel room. The actress talked about her modeling past, the demands of the fashion world, and her friendships with designers. In the interview, she also discussed the role of women - first and foremost those who inspire her - as well as their combat as the latest upheavals related to the Me Too movement continue to shake up politics and cinema. Both on and off the stage, the actress defends her choices, striving above all to ensure that "women's voices are carried and heard."
Director: Tim Jarrosson
Journalist, Social & Video Editor At-Large: Hugo Compain
Production Manager: Amaury Delcambre
Production Coordinator: Meryl Marciano
Video Casting Manager: Adèle Ligerot
Video Casting Coordinator: Sarah Tauxe
Assistant Camera Operator:
Sound: Hubert Rey Grange
Stylist: Barbara Loison
Editor: Laurène Vanacker
Color Grade: Rafael Sultan
Mix Engineer: Manuel Lormel
Motion Design: Gabriel Delmas
Post-Producer: Agathe Romain
Post-Production Assistant: Edouard Condat
Motion Design Assistant: Hannae Khennoussi
Video Development: Louise des Ligneris
Video Programming: Stéphanie Amaya
Video Operations: Marie Jaso
Video Director: Thomas Leroy
Head of Editorial Content: Eugénie Trochu
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