【ENG SUB】《我們的樣子像極了愛情/Close to Love》那些下不完的雨、壓過的馬路,點點滴滴都承載了太多的回憶,某一刻讓我想起了曾經的我們。
剧情简介:可惜的是,我愛你,只敢以朋友之名──你曾經有過差一點就在一起的愛情嗎?來自小城的許一(李孝謙 飾)和高曉楠(漆昱辰 飾)童年由於誤會而留下遺憾,後來兩人在大學重逢,就此產生了跨越多年的羈絆。許一、高曉楠在相處中解開當年的心結,從冤家到摯交,從青澀學生到職場新人,相互陪伴,一起成長,不是情侶卻勝似情侶。然而, 彼此間不敢觸碰的感情界線因為一次意外終於徹底爆發……這一次, 許一和高曉楠的關係能否發生轉變?他們之間會是錯過還是圓滿?
Both Xu Yi and Gao Xiao Nan left their small town with misunderstandings and unanswered questions for each other. They reunite later in college. As a result, they made up with each other and resulted in a bond that spanned multiple years. Xu Yi and Gao Xiao Nan unraveled their old knots in their friendship, from friends to best friends, from young students to rookies in the working industry. They accompany each other and grow together. They are not lovers, they're actually far from being lovers.
However, the boundaries that they've made of not touching each other breaks due to an accident. Will the friendship between Xu Yi and Gao Xiao Nan change? Will they part away or stay together?
#爱情 #浪漫 #青春 #虐 #电影 #love #sad #movie
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