BERGAMO - Città Bassa - The Modern part of Bergamo
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0:45 Piazzale Guglielmo Marconi
2:25 Viale Papa Giovanni XXIII
8:15 Chiesa Prepositurale di Santa Maria
12:45 Largo Porta Nuova
14:58 Porta Nuova
17:58 Sentierone
20:15 Chiesa dei Santi Bartolome e Stefano
25:15 Obelisco a Napoleone Bonaparte
26:00 Piazza Vittorio Veneto
26:56 Palazzo Frizzoni
27:00 Monumento ai Fratelli Calvi
28:52 Via XX Settembre
37:35 Via Saint Alessandro
40:07 Basilica of St. Alexander in Column
40:49 Via Saint Alessandro
40:45 Via Saint Alessandro
48:55 Punto Panoramico Bergamo
52:07 Madonna of Giglio Church
Bergamo is an Italian city northeast of Milan, in the Lombardy region. Its older upper district, called Città Alta, is characterized by cobblestone streets, encircled by Venetian walls and accessible by funicular. It's home to the Duomo di Bergamo, the city cathedral. Also here are the Romanesque Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore and the grand Cappella Colleoni, a chapel with 18th-century frescoes by Tiepolo.
Walking around in Bergamo city tour Italy Starting at the train station I walked along the main alley laid out in the middle of the 19th century, which marks the transition into modern age, I walked around the main shopping street in Via XX Settembre throughout via St. Alessandro gate. [ With Captions! ]
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