SCUBA DIVING the MOST beautiful coral reef in the world
Today we are SCUBA diving the MOST beautiful coral reef in the world - our home reef on Uepi Point!!! We live in a very special place, Uepi Island in the Western Province of the Solomon Islands and SCUBA diving our barrier reef island home is still a massive treat for us every time we get the opportunity. Island life for us is all about embracing this magical world, especially below the surface where we can visit beautiful reef sharks, mobula rays, countless fish species and beautiful corals to name a few highlights - the marine creatures on a scuba dive can be so diverse!
As a family living on an island we are hoping to show you what it is like living in a dive resort and being able to scuba dive coral reef right here on our doorstep! We are lucky to have this beautiful coral reef and all the creatures so close and accessible! Solomon Islands SCUBA diving is remarkable and probably not known by many people around the world - we hope to change that!
Are you a SCUBA diver? Or have you been dying to get certified and maybe have it on your goals list for the new year??
WATCH NEXT - https://youtu.be/fTckRG2JnUw as we take a WILD adventure to a submarine volcano!!
#earthday2022 #exploretheseas #nonfungibleplanet
Our favourite dive gear:
Katie's Mares X-Free Mask - https://amzn.to/3xW7MAx
Jase's Mares Star Mask - https://amzn.to/3IniDbG
Mares Black Dual Snorkel - https://amzn.to/3xW80Yp
Mares Razor Pro Carbon Freediving Fins - https://amzn.to/3xXdWQN
⏰ Chapters ⏰
00:00 Intro
00:20 Dive set up
00:44 SCUBA diving Uepi Point
06:47 Recap of Christmas
07:32 COVID vaccine island style
08:10 Island life with kids
08:53 The most EPIC lagoon day ever
09:35 Bloopers
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