Your Essential Guide to Super Tuscan (Italian) Wine
Learn more about the Alti Wine Exchange: https://www.altiwineexchange.com/
After looking into the sparklings and the whites from all around the Italian boot, we’re getting to a region that is very dear to my heart because I spent a while working there working as a winemaker, and because well the wines are delicious, Tuscany this is. In our next episode, we’ll look at all the most remarkable traditional and historic Tuscan red wine styles, but today I want to focus on explaining the concept of Super Tuscan wines, how it came about, what the wines are, how different from the others, and who they are, as we’ll cover a few unmissable names you must have in mind if you want to claim to know a little something about Italian vino.
00:00 - Italian Wine, Intro
01:40 - How ‘Super Tuscans’ Came About?
05:03 - What is Super Tuscan Wine?
09:55 - Who are the Super Tuscans?
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