Including breaks, different camera angles & 3 harder options, if the Beginner Mode gets too easy for you!
10 MIN LOWER AB WORKOUT - Beginner, with Medium Options I Pamela Reif
In this video, combined core exercises, that focus especially on the LOWER part of your stomach. Having strong lower abs is very beneficial :) It keeps your core tight, prevents back pain, makes your belly look flatter because you can "hold it in" better and: if you lose that fat, you will also see your Ab Lines!
2 Rules:
▸ keep your LOWER BACK FLAT ON THE MAT. This is essential for your health & essential for training your lower abs. If you don't keep it flat on the mat, you will not train your lower abs. Only move your legs downwards as far as possible (for example during a leg lift). If that means you only have a small range of motion: FINE. You will improve over time.
▸ it's about the mind muscle connection! Think about your abs & lift and lower your legs with the strength of your abs, not your thighs :)
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